This is What I’m Living For (Soundcloud)
Several years ago, I was driving around the Kadena flightline on the way home from work. and I was listening to a Hillsongs Australia CD with the song “Faith” playing. If I recall correctly, there’s a line of their song that says, “I give my life for this…” as in, “I am going to commit myself completely to this relationship with God.”
That sparked a question: What did God give me life for? What does Scripture tell me about who God says I am, as opposed to who I feel I am, or what the world says about me?
I started looking through a lot of verses that talk about what we have “in Him” (which is an awesome list of amazing benefits) and also verses that talk about how God sees us and what He calls us.
In the future, I hope to get a copy of the song loaded, because it’s not quite the same without the music. But here are the lyrics:
In You, all things have been made new!
In You, I am not who I once knew!
I am made new! I am in You!
In You, my life means so much more!
In You, I find what I am living for!
I am made new! I am in You!
Grace and glory on display! Made holy in every way!
Mercies new with every day! This is what I’m living for!
Dignified, called royalty! Making known Your majesty!
Christ my King alive in me! This is what I’m living for!
Blessed to be a blessing! Love and mercy offering!
Light in darkness shining! This is what I’m living for!
In You, I find such perfect peace!
In You, I find such sweet release!
I am made new! I am in You!
In You, lovingkindness overflows!
In You, blessings like I’ve never known!
I am made new! I am in You!
By Your grace now reconciled, loved, accepted as Your child!
Cleansed and pure and undefiled! This is what I’m living for!
Saved to see Your kingdom come! Made to let Your will be done!
A Servant of the Holy One! This is what I’m living for!
Free to know You as I’m known! Free to be Your very own!
Never will I be alone! This is what I’m living for!
Free to bring You my heart’s cry in songs of praise to glorify
My Lord until the day I die! This is what I’m living for!
You gave Your life for me and You’re the One I’m living for!
You gave me life for this and this is what I’m living for!