I was bored in line at the Post Office and decided to play with my FridgePoems app.
The frustration actually came after the poem. While I was waiting for my teen and my middle schooler, I got bad news from work that spun me up about how people make decisions at the last minute.
The poem’s a little (ok, a lot) emo, acting like the writer is facing the end of the world. But in the middle of the chaos and storms of life, there’s a still, small Voice calling us to a place of serenity. We all have these things that set us off… and I firmly and fully believe it’s up to us how we react to them.
I did in fact heed the whispers, make some time, and sit and worship at the piano. I just didn’t realize I was writing this for me when I put the words together.
(Plus I made tacos for dinner. Tacos fix pretty much everything.)
“it’s up to us how we react to them.” And once we recognize it’s a choice, we can then pray, and ask for transformation. <3
It’s gcood to put your feelings down on paper where you can see them. I’m glad tacos helped,too!