So, I have some excitement ahead, and I am looking forward to it.
It’s Blogging A to Z April. So it’s a time to exercise those writing skills and push out some additional entries on the blog in a fun challenge.
But I’m not doing A to Z for this blog.
I’m going to be attempting an A to Z for the fitness blog I co-author, Fat Guys Vs. Gym.
I’m also going to be writing an A to Z for the worship blog I author: Chasing the Storm.
I am not doing it for this blog, nor am I doing it for my creative writing blog.
I’m excited about what this challenge has to offer, and I hope you can take some time to see the results.
On top of that, I’m going back to work on Monday (boo!) and I’m starting a 4 week Chinese-Mandarin refresher course. Then I’m going to be finishing up some professional education and maybe CLEPing a few college classes. Oh, and I’ll be trying to get into shape since I get my cast off in two weeks.
Time to get busy!
Wish me luck!
Luck? In my experience, there is no such thing as luck – Luke…use the force 🙂
Haha, so true. Yeah, Force indeed… force of will.